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Plunger Resources

Thank you so much for participating in the 2024 Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Illinois. Please use the buttons below to find the materials that will help guide you as you get ready to BE COOL and TAKE THE PLUNGE.

We encourage you to personalize your messaging and share your WHY. Tell others what Special Olympics Illinois means to you by sharing your stories, pictures, and experiences.

Boost your fundraising efforts with these tips and tricks

Getting Started

Once you register, set a fundraising goal. Then customize your registration page with your photos and share “WHY” you’re taking the plunge in support of Special Olympics Illinois. If you’ve taken the plunge before make sure you share those photos on your socials and share your cool experience.

Boosting Donations

  • Start your fundraising by adding a personal contribution. 
  • Reach out to family and friends to support your icy dip.  
  • Get creative with posting to all your followers on social media, have a “Polar Plunge Prep Challenge” where your followers can donate to you as you share the “cool” ways your prepping to take the plunge
  • Frequent a coffee shop or another local business? Ask if they would be willing to put out a donation jar to help you raise funds
  • Get your entire team involved, host a trivia night, a bake sale or sell some plunge friendship bracelets!


Connect with your local region and get involved with athletes in your area! Share your experiences from cheering on at sporting events or being a Unified partner.

Social Media Toolkit

Share your Polar Plunge journey with your social network - you can use the sample posts and graphics below.

Sample Posts

Post #1

"I’ve pledged to #PlungeIllinois this year, and I need your help! Every year, Special Olympics Illinois hosts hundreds of events for persons with intellectual disabilities, and FYI - each donation of $150 sends one athlete to a competition. Help me make a difference by donating today! [INSERT PERSONAL FUNDRAISING LINK]"

Post #2

I’m taking on #PlungeIllinois to support the thousands of athletes that compete with Special Olympics Illinois. This organization changes lives by unleashing the human spirit through the transformative power and joy of sport, every day. Join in supporting the mission. Donate here: [INSERT PERSONAL FUNDRAISING LINK].

Post #3

I have chosen to #PlungeIllinois this year in support of the life-changing mission of Special Olympics Illinois. When you donate, you help thousands of athletes in Illinois realize their full potential in sports and in life. So BE COOL and join me in helping to make the world a more inclusive place! Donate: [INSERT PERSONAL FUNDRAISING LINK]

Social Profiles

Special Olympics Illinois Social

Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run


Listen to the Mustn’ts

So I Did

Unified Champion School Statistics

Additional Resources

Email Signature Banner

Add this banner to your email signature to show off your Plunge participation.


Sample Email

Use this email to solicit donations for your Plunge.

Download Word Doc


This flyer can be used for any in-person display.


Offline Donation Tracking

Use this to track donations not made through your fundraising page.


Contact Plunge Director

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Katie Risley

Region A


Jordan Feldman

Region B


Katelin Zandi

Region C


Patty Welsh

Region E


Jen Davis

Region F


Bailey Brenner

Region G


Tara Nickerson

Region H


Vanessa Duncan

Region I


Katy Gruen

Region J


Amber Blythe

Region K
